Honor the Trans Day of Remembrance, Apply Maoism to the Fight for Queer Liberation!
Today, the 20th of November, has become recognized by the queer community in this and several countries as a day in memoriam for the all-too-many trans people who have been victims of reactionary violence. We communists in this country should honor this day, and honor the fight for queer liberation through the scientific application of red-line Marxism, of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Gonzalo Thought, to that cause.
The various questions of the fight for queer liberation are not new, but they have had less history of Marxist scientific analysis than those of any other issue, and so a scientific and universal communist approach is still very much in its early development. What is clear is this: the proletarian struggle for freedom from the political-economic and cultural oppressions of capitalism must include the struggle for queer proletarians’ liberation from oppression brought on by exploitative political-economic structures, and that liberation must be scientifically understood by Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Gonzalo Thought, the guiding ideology of the proletarian struggle against capitalism and imperialism.
It is fortunate that strides have been made on this front. Homophobia in the ICM is a thing of the past: the PCP, the most advanced communist Party in the world, has through the mass organization of the MPP expressed that homosexuals are welcome in its ranks, and the CPP has explicitly called for gay and trans liberation. Here in the US we have had the vital work of the former SWMF, whose legacy we must all strive to honor on this important day, and in Switzerland huge strides in theoretical analysis of the gay and trans questions have been made by the former RSS and the CPS(RF).
Our task now, then, is to continue in this vein, to go on making clear the intention of the ICM to liberate all proletarians in all necessary ways, very much including queer liberation. We must make clear that Marxism-Leninism-Maoism unites all downtrodden working people in the scientific struggle to end capitalist and imperialist exploitation; ours is the cause of industrial workers and agricultural workers and service workers, of male workers and female workers, of workers of every race, of workers of every nation, of workers in imperialist countries and in colonized ones, of gay workers and straight workers, of cis workers and trans workers! The internationale unites the human race! Constitute militarized Maoist Parties for revolutionary People’s War and freedom in every country! ¡VIVA MAOISMO!