I have uncovered something I consider further solid evidence of the total separateness of the present genuine PCP, MPP, and Peruvian revolutionary campaign from the revisionist MPCP camp of drug-lord José and his brother Raúl.
Last year, in the wake of the MPCP's senseless massacre of a group of peasants in the VRAEM region, pamphlets they allegedly distributed, confiscated by the bourgeois state, expressed explicit intent to commit genocidal violence against homosexuals. Obviously, this is a show of their reactionary ideology. The genuine PCP, as the MPP has long attested, is not and was never homophobic or violent toward homosexuals- claims it was were simply fabricated out of conflation with the MRTA reactionaries in order to slander them during the height of the PCP. The so-called "Militarized CP of Peru" falling back on lies about the ideology of its claimed predecessor indicates what drug-lord José is really doing: using a thin veneer of PCP aesthetics, derived from bourgeois ideas about the PCP and not from real Maoist politics at all, to paper over and legitimize what is really no more than a bourgeois drug-capitalist enterprise, like any other cartel. And beneath this veneer of phony red paint lies, unsurprisingly, naked reactionary ideas: homophobia and misogyny, and violence against the People.
And yet the MPP (its Reorganization Committee) produced, two years before this repulsive document, together with the Serve the People-Communist League (commonly called by its Norwegian name Tjen Folket) in Norway, a document titled "International Leaflet: Proletarian Feminism for Communism!" in which is promoted the correct line against the oppression of queer people:
"The oppression of LGBTQ people is secondary to [i.e. not "lesser than," but rather a secondary product of the system of] the oppression and exploitation of women, but its root is the same patriarchy. There is a chauvinist trend among certain opportunists, fighting “identity politics” with workerism, economism and blatant chauvinism. Maoists and proletarian feminists join ranks with and seek to organize all those oppressed by patriarchy, and fight chauvinism against all such groups."
Indeed, the MPP has a history going back decades of standing up for queer people and against slanderous claims that the PCP is homophobic, as I've mentioned before. It seems absurdly improbable these two documents could be from the same movement. The only way it could be the case is, I suppose, if they are presenting one face within the country and another outside for opportunistic reasons, but this I doubt for the following reason: an organization so vulgarly homophobic as the MPCP has revealed itself to be would surely not be willing to associate with good and pro-queer liberation communists like Tjen Folket, even on false pretenses, because it is not governed by logic but by dogma and instinctual disgust, just like religious extremists are.
There is also of course the fact that the MPP continues to uphold and promote Gonzalo and his almighty Thought, while the MPCP (even as it claims continuity with the Party he led) has rejected him and in its filthy pamphlet substitutes the name of one of its bourgeois drug-lord leaders for his.
It seems to me that the truth is clear: the PCP is alive and well, if smaller than it once was, and waging a People's War represented on the international stage by the MPP mass organization. All communists must look to this campaign as a leading example, and cheer it on to reclaim lost ground and ultimately seize power in Peru. Conversely, the MPCP is a totally separate conspiracy of bourgeois drug-traders poorly disguised as a "communist party." The two could not be more distinct.
MPCP's reactionary rag: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0f/Panfleto_del_MPCP_el_23_de_mayo_de_2021.jpg
"International Leaflet: Proletarian Feminism for Communism!": https://demvolkedienen.org/index.php/en/t-proletarischer-feminismus-en/3016-international-leaflet-proletarian-feminism-for-communism