Importantly, the work of a vanguard Party in uniting (through democratic mass-line leadership) local organs of worker rule into a common central-democratic body of political-economic coordination, in the form of a workers' semi-state, is not at all, as certain counterrevolutionary "left" factions (anarchists and syndicalists, Trostkyites and POUMites, DeBord and the French situationistes and their imitators) would claim, a betrayal of their role as authentic power-organs of the broad masses. On the contrary, it is the fulfillment of their role in taking and keeping power over society and production and using it in the name and the interests of their members, the whole liberated working-class majority and ultimately all humanity. Far from a betrayal, this is the very fulfillment of socialism as the negation of capitalism and its "anarchy of production" which enriches the big capitalists while leaving the vast majority at the mercy of a chaotic cycle of chronic crises.